Thursday 14 October 2021

Veterinary Oncology; Deals with Both the Diagnosis & Treatment of Veterinary Cancer

Veterinary Oncology Market

Veterinary oncology determines the most appropriate course of treatment for pets with cancer. Oncology is the study of cancer, and has three major areas: medical, surgical, and radiation. Veterinary oncologists ensure that their patients receive the best treatment possible for their cancer. Veterinary oncology offers the opportunity to reduce pain or suffering while prolonging a pet's life or even saving it. Thus, with the Increasing prevalence of veterinary cancer, the demand for veterinary oncology is also increasing with a rapid pace.

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, approximately 1 in 4 dogs will, at some stage in their life, develop neoplasia. Almost half of dogs over the age of 10 will develop cancer. The dog has the highest rate of cancer of any mammal on the planet. Dogs are affected by more forms of cancer compared to other companion animals. According to The Veterinary Cancer Society, cancer is the leading cause of death in 47% of dogs, especially dogs over age ten, and 32% of cats. The incidence of cancer appears to be rising over years, as it is in people,

Therefore, there is an increasing demand for safe and effective veterinary cancer treatment in the United States, thereby increasing the demand for veterinary oncology. Treatments, such as targeted therapy and chemotherapy, are known to have worked in several stages of cancers, making them feasible alternatives for important life-saving applications. Veterinary oncology is a sub-specialty of veterinary medicine which deals specifically with cancer treatment and diagnosis in pets. The average lifespan for cancer-causing tumors in dogs is seven years.

Cancer is now a leading cause of death in many pet animals. If a dog has cancer, it is extremely important that they receive the best of oncological care. Advances in science today have made it possible to provide quality care to the companion animals. Advances in veterinary oncology also mean that animals which are diagnosed with cancer will live much longer than they would if they were left untreated. With the current resources that are available, cancer in pets can be treated effectively and the survival rate is very high.

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