Tuesday 21 September 2021

What is Shingles? What are various Shingles Vaccines available today in market?


Shingles Vaccine Market

Shingles is a very painful condition, which mainly affects people who are older, who have weak immune systems, or who already suffer from another form of illness. A shingles vaccine is a preventative vaccine, which reduces the risk of developing shingles, a painful condition caused by reactivating the same virus that causes chickenpox. Shingles usually causes a burning rash which can later turn into blisters and become crusty and is accompanied by severe pain. Unlike chicken pox and the common cold, shingles is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox - the varicella-zoster virus. The medications used in treating the chicken pox can also be used in treating the shingles rash. Shingles vaccines have caused various side effects in studies conducted, but those effects are usually related to the medication and not the virus itself.

Shingles Vaccines are made from a component of a virus known as VZV that is part of a group of viruses known as the varicella-zoster virus. The vaccine prevents the entry of this virus into the body, thereby preventing the painful symptoms associated with shingles. There are three types of shingles vaccines available: Shingles Control, Shingles Zoster Vaccine, and Varicella Zoster Immune Response Complex, or VZIC.

Those who are allergic to chickenpox or who have had chickenpox and are developing shingles symptoms should consider getting two doses of the zostavax vaccine as soon as possible, as the second shot is more effective at boosting the immune system than the first. For those who aren't allergic to chickenpox or have had no prior exposure to the virus, there are a variety of other shingles vaccines available. However, it's a good idea to get two doses of the zostavax vaccine as soon as possible, especially if a person are prone to serious outbreaks of shingles.

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