Monday 20 September 2021

Protein A resin is the most widely used binding agent in many biomanufacturing processes


Protein A Resin Market

Protein A resin is a strongest binding agent available for use in the pharmaceutical and health care industries. Protein A chromatography is an extremely powerful chromatography method and is commonly used as a bind-in step because of its high accuracy and stability. Depending on the exact desired target molecule (anti-bodies for cancer detection) Protein A capture may be the only Chromatographic step necessary to achieve sufficient product concentration. In this case, the purified target molecules are dispersed in the target liquid which is then removed via precipitation.

The main benefit of Protein A is that it is the ideal protein concentrate for use in numerous mass and purity manufacturing processes. It is the ideal solution for making vaccines, blood products, tissue and cells, and a wide range of pharmaceuticals. It can be used in the production of dyes, enzymes, steroids, antibiotics, blood components, plastics, detergents, lubricants, paints, and numerous other chemicals. It can even be used for making small particles like fine sands, paint chips, shavings, feathers, and much more. Protein A Resin is ideal for applications where low cost and efficiency are an overriding factors, because it has the ability to form various complex mixtures through electrodialysis or capillary electrophoresis depending on the needs of the manufacture.

Protein A can be used in the production of a wide range of sensitive and high-performance formulations including letting agents, column intermediates, buffer systems, analytical mixers, emulsifiers, carriers, binders, and more. It is also used to separate various substances on a molecular level. It is particularly useful when the impurities have to be separated from the proteins they are meant to cover. This is one of the reasons why Protein A has been used for decades in the production of dry film lubricants, lubricating oils, water-soluble vitamin powders, dry powder supplements, gels, and pastes, lubricating oil emulsions, thickening agents, and dry ice emulsions.

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